Thursday, January 30, 2020

Cosmetic Surgery and Its Affect on the World Today Essay Example for Free

Cosmetic Surgery and Its Affect on the World Today Essay How far will you go to get the look you want? There are many people who have gone as far as changing their appearance to the point that they are unrecognizable. From nose jobs, face lifts, to reshaping their eyes, it has become nearly an epidemic. Plastic surgery is a medical procedure invented to improve an individual’s physical appearance or to minimize scarring resulting from accidents, disease or birth defects as well as disfigurement. The word plastic is derived from the Greek, meaning molding or giving form. Included in plastic surgery is cosmetic surgery, which can be used to reshape your face or body features. Cosmetic surgery is designed to improve an individuals appearance. Some women in China would bind their feet, crippling themselves in the process to appear beautiful. It is said that their feet are to be no larger than a deck of cards or it was disgraceful. Western women poured themselves into corsets, often causing damage to their internal organs, for the sake of beauty. High heels are linked to back problems as well as foot problems. The search for beauty and eternal youth continues, and today, modern technology has brought the medical profession into the issue. Fat can be literally sucked out of the body, body parts can be reduced or enlarged through surgery, and wrinkles can be erased. Where cosmetic surgery was once the near-exclusive purview of women, men are turning to surgical procedures in increasing numbers. There are, however, costs to such modification, and these costs extend well beyond the financial. This research argues against the indiscriminate use of cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery has a very long history. As early as 1000 B.C.E., the first plastic surgery was reported in India, where a persons nose might be cut off as a form of punishment or, in the case of an adulterous Hindu wife, bitten off by the wronged husband. Procedures, which displayed remarkable similarity to present rhinoplasties, were developed to reconstruct the noses of such errant individuals (Davis 14). Plastic surgery appeared much later on the European continent. In the early fifteenth century, physicians began doing nose surgeries, by using skin flaps taken from the arm. Other forms of plastic surgery began to appear around the early sixteenth century. With the invention of ether and antisepsis, plastic surgery was able to emerge as a full-fledged medical specialty (Davis 15). In the first part of the century, nearly all plastic surgeries were done to alleviate deformities due to disease, birth or mishap; however, in the second half of the century this was no longer the case. Plastic surgery has some advantages too, with reconstructive surgery. Reconstructive surgery is used to fix deficiencies that couldn’t otherwise be fixed by any other treatment. Reconstructive surgery makes a notable advancement, and can be used to repair birth defects, such as hair lips, cleft pallets and internal forms of function. It can also be used for one that has suffered injuries due to an accident, and can also save limbs and restore joints that would be irreparable. There are certain skin burns, depending on how severe that can be repaired by skin grafting. Some facial injuries that involve dental repair are common procedures for plastic surgery. The field of plastic surgery has grown, allowing room for improvement and more accuracy of procedures. Cosmetic surgery may benefit some patients interpersonal relationships and self-esteem, which will lead to a better quality of life. This happens more often when the patient suffers from an abnormality, or other birth defects that affect their appearance. Cosmetic surgery is not to be taken lightly, as for some it has been proven to be damaging and have long-lasting side effects. There have been many people that have gone through multiple surgeries in order to get the look that they want. There are many different reasons behind some folks becoming obsessed with the surgery. The majority of ones belief is that they can achieve physical perfection through cosmetic surgery. In an attempt to achieve a state of perfect physical beauty, some people repeatedly seek cosmetic surgery procedures to alter their appearance, believing theyre only a surgery away from their imagined ideal. Many people who suffer from plastic surgery addiction are also victims of body dimorphic disorder, where an attractive person believes that they are unattractive no matter how appealing they may appear to another person. Celebrities who suffer from plastic surgery addiction often lack a strong self esteem and have a generalized level of unhappiness with them selves. Instead of addressing the real source of their unhappiness, they choose to solve their problems by altering their external appearance. There are many people in the world that also too have altered their appearance to look like a celebr ity as well. Many citizens in the society today have altered their faces to the point if you hadn’t known them before surgery, you wouldn’t recognize them afterwards. Statistics show that people aged between 35-50 years old had the most cosmetic procedures in 2007: 5.4 million or 46 percent of that total. People between ages 51-64 years of age had 25 percent of the cosmetic surgery procedures in 2007. People between ages 19-34 years old had 21 percent of the cosmetic surgery procedures in 2007. Senior citizens aged 65 and older had 6 percent of cosmetic surgery procedures in 2007. Teens aged 18 or younger had less than 2 percent of the cosmetic surgery procedures in 2007. Today even with the economy the way that it is people are still getting cosmetic surgery no matter what the cost. This just shows how some peoples lives are affected by the way that they appear to themselves and other people regardless of their age.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Essay on Janes Search for Self-identity in The Yellow Wallpaper

Jane's Search for Self-identity in The Yellow Wallpaper  Ã‚      "The Yellow Wallpaper," written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in the late nineteenth century, explores the dark forbidding world of one woman's plunge into a severe post-partum depressive state. The story presents a theme of the search for self-identity. Through interacting with human beings and the environment, the protagonist creates for herself a life of her own. Charlotte Gilman, through the first person narrator, speaks to the reader of the stages of psychic disintegration by sharing the narrator's heightened perceptions: "That spoils my ghostliness, I am afraid, but I don't care--there is something strange about the house--I can feel it" (304). The conflicting emotions of power and control versus loss of control are expressed in her reactions to her husband: "I get unreasonably angry with John sometimes. . . .so I take pains to control myself--before him at least, and that makes me very tired" (304). The progressive stages of the narrator's loss of reality are eloquently shown in these passages: I always... Essay on Jane's Search for Self-identity in The Yellow Wallpaper Jane's Search for Self-identity in The Yellow Wallpaper  Ã‚      "The Yellow Wallpaper," written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in the late nineteenth century, explores the dark forbidding world of one woman's plunge into a severe post-partum depressive state. The story presents a theme of the search for self-identity. Through interacting with human beings and the environment, the protagonist creates for herself a life of her own. Charlotte Gilman, through the first person narrator, speaks to the reader of the stages of psychic disintegration by sharing the narrator's heightened perceptions: "That spoils my ghostliness, I am afraid, but I don't care--there is something strange about the house--I can feel it" (304). The conflicting emotions of power and control versus loss of control are expressed in her reactions to her husband: "I get unreasonably angry with John sometimes. . . .so I take pains to control myself--before him at least, and that makes me very tired" (304). The progressive stages of the narrator's loss of reality are eloquently shown in these passages: I always...

Monday, January 13, 2020

National Integration

National Integration is a psychological process. It means a well knit society in which all are loyal to their country. It means that every Indian irrespective of caste, creed, language or religion belongs to India and is proud of his country. National integration is very important for the all-round development of the country. In fact, its existence depends on it. There are different climates in India. Food habits are different, crops are different and there is a difference in faiths and belief. They wear different dresses. Even the Indian customs and conventions are vast and varied. The people pursue different sects and religions. There is a difference even in the lands. The northern are is very fertile. There are hills and mountain ranges here. In the south there are deserts, hills, barren lands and plateaus. As a result, its soil is different in fertility and nature. The taste and temperament, color, features are all different. There are fanatic people who create communal disturbances in the name of religion. The states have been created on the basis of language formula. In spite of all the diversity in culture, India stands united. It is because our constitution was so designed to give equal rights to people of every religion, sect, area, sex and culture. We cannot forget the noble service done to our country by Sardar Vallabhai Patel in this direction. He was the iron man of India who wrought miracle by unifying al the numerous states of India after the partition. National integration is essentially needed to keep India alive. It is our prestige. There are forces now that resort to communalism, provincialism and parochialism. They have their vested interests. They do not stand for India. They want it to disintegrate. They are tools in the hands of some foreign elements. They do not like to see India united and strong. Pakistan and Bangladesh are the recent creations carved out of India. We cannot bear further divisions. We have to crush the movements of secession with a strong hand. Let us promote national integration by doing everything that is possible. Let us encourage all the forces of patriotism along with promotion of goodwill and mutual trust among people of different castes, areas and religions. A sincere effort by sincere politicians and religious leaders will be a positive step in this direction. Any negative activity in this regard should be taken seriously and step should be taken to sort out the grievances of different sections of people. Let us join our hands to maintain unity in diversity. National Integration India has many races, nationalities, castes, subscastes and communities but so far the heart of India is concerned it is one. It is true that societies that have been integrated into bonds of unity have always enjoyed peace, stability, prosperity and permanence. And those torn by mutual disruptive tendencies among various sections of the society have always been short lived and become non- existent. The national integration is the process of uniting different people from all walks of life into a single whole. The most serious problem being faced by India in present circumstances is, how to develop an atmosphere of national consciousness among so varied a people. Indians already have suffered for long periods, the pangs of enslavement and servitude. It is India in the whole world which has to suffer under foreign rulers for more than seven hundred years. The separatist tendencies among people and kings have always resulted in the fall of our kingdoms. Our country was always divided into large number of small kingdoms which were mostly at daggers end. There has been a lack of national consciousness. The internal disputes among the Rajput kings allowed Muslim invaders to establish their foothold here. Then the Britishers were able to create rifts between various kings and princes and thus established their supremacy. It was only overthrown when Indian nationhood joined together by unparallel acumen of some great Indian leaders who became creators of history. There is a need to make efforts for creating emotional integration or a sense of unity. The need of the hour is national integration. It should be taught at the very beginning, in all schools and colleges all over the country that India is one and only one. The differences between various cultures are just superficial and basically it is only one. What is needed is superior interpretations, synthesis of the power of the mind that can give rise to a vision of the whole and oneness. The school and college teaching material should be suitably revised wherein importance and need of oneness should be emphasised. From one end of the country to the other end, regular long distance tours must be conducted so as to foster emotional integration among the young students of our country. Steps must be taken to see that, there are no sectional appeals so that disunity among the people does not increase manifold. To bring about national integration, there are many techniques. It can be forced out, or can be made to strengthen from within the core of hearts. The result by way of exercise of power would always be weak, nsuccessful and it would be for a temporary phase only. But when the sense of national integration stems from within, it would be strong stable and ever-lasting. British government brought about national integration by way of their needs. For the first time during the British rule, the whole of India came to be governed from one centre and all regions of the country from West to East and South to North obeyed instructions and advice from the central power. This was because the God of free dom was the same and realized all over the country. The national unity became more emotional when the country fought a united struggle for freedom. Emotional integration is the basic foundation on which the main structure of national integration can be created. There is a rich cultural heritage in India. All of us are inheritors to several grand treasurers in the fields of music, dance, drama, fine arts and paintings, sculpture and theatre. Our seers and sages have left behind a tradition of piety, penance, conquest of passion and spiritual greatness. Our cultural unity is further exemplified by the great temples of the South, the caves of Khajuraho and Ajanta and Ellora which are glittering examples of proficiency of India in the field of architecture and sculpture. India classical music is built on the concept of ragas and talas. Each raga is regarded appropriage to a certain emotion, a certain mood suitable for a specified time of the day or night. In the modern times, people like Pandit Ravi Shanker have taken the Indian music to great heights in the whole world and thus have bridged the gap between the East and the West in the field of music. Today the intellectuals of Indian society can give the right direction as the country is standing at the crossroads of failures and achievements. The intellectuals must come out of their narrow cells of detachment and awake up to their responsibilities towards the general masses. Through national integration, we will prosper and flourish and dominate the others who are characterized by divisive forces. We will carry with us, a power and strength, solidity and solidarity and an element of cohesiveness which will impart to us further permanence and stay in present struggling world National Integration India has many races, nationalities, castes, subscastes and communities but so far the heart of India is concerned it is one. It is true that societies that have been integrated into bonds of unity have always enjoyed peace, stability, prosperity and permanence. And those torn by mutual disruptive tendencies among various sections of the society have always been short lived and become non- existent. The national integration is the process of uniting different people from all walks of life into a single whole. The most serious problem being faced by India in present circumstances is, how to develop an atmosphere of national consciousness among so varied a people. Indians already have suffered for long periods, the pangs of enslavement and servitude. It is India in the whole world which has to suffer under foreign rulers for more than seven hundred years. The separatist tendencies among people and kings have always resulted in the fall of our kingdoms. Our country was always divided into large number of small kingdoms which were mostly at daggers end. There has been a lack of national consciousness. The internal disputes among the Rajput kings allowed Muslim invaders to establish their foothold here. Then the Britishers were able to create rifts between various kings and princes and thus established their supremacy. It was only overthrown when Indian nationhood joined together by unparallel acumen of some great Indian leaders who became creators of history. There is a need to make efforts for creating emotional integration or a sense of unity. The need of the hour is national integration. It should be taught at the very beginning, in all schools and colleges all over the country that India is one and only one. The differences between various cultures are just superficial and basically it is only one. What is needed is superior interpretations, synthesis of the power of the mind that can give rise to a vision of the whole and oneness. The school and college teaching material should be suitably revised wherein importance and need of oneness should be emphasised. From one end of the country to the other end, regular long distance tours must be conducted so as to foster emotional integration among the young students of our country. Steps must be taken to see that, there are no sectional appeals so that disunity among the people does not increase manifold. To bring about national integration, there are many techniques. It can be forced out, or can be made to strengthen from within the core of hearts. The result by way of exercise of power would always be weak, nsuccessful and it would be for a temporary phase only. But when the sense of national integration stems from within, it would be strong stable and ever-lasting. British government brought about national integration by way of their needs. For the first time during the British rule, the whole of India came to be governed from one centre and all regions of the country from West to East and South to North obeyed instructions and advice from the central power. This was because the God of free dom was the same and realized all over the country. The national unity became more emotional when the country fought a united struggle for freedom. Emotional integration is the basic foundation on which the main structure of national integration can be created. There is a rich cultural heritage in India. All of us are inheritors to several grand treasurers in the fields of music, dance, drama, fine arts and paintings, sculpture and theatre. Our seers and sages have left behind a tradition of piety, penance, conquest of passion and spiritual greatness. Our cultural unity is further exemplified by the great temples of the South, the caves of Khajuraho and Ajanta and Ellora which are glittering examples of proficiency of India in the field of architecture and sculpture. India classical music is built on the concept of ragas and talas. Each raga is regarded appropriage to a certain emotion, a certain mood suitable for a specified time of the day or night. In the modern times, people like Pandit Ravi Shanker have taken the Indian music to great heights in the whole world and thus have bridged the gap between the East and the West in the field of music. Today the intellectuals of Indian society can give the right direction as the country is standing at the crossroads of failures and achievements. The intellectuals must come out of their narrow cells of detachment and awake up to their responsibilities towards the general masses. Through national integration, we will prosper and flourish and dominate the others who are characterized by divisive forces. We will carry with us, a power and strength, solidity and solidarity and an element of cohesiveness which will impart to us further permanence and stay in present struggling world

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Marketing Strategy - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 815 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/09/17 Category Marketing Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Marketing Strategy: In contrast with the research findings of Scherer at al. , it is that in the pharmaceutical company large number of the diversified portfolio might not return huge profits. The strategy of the Rumack pharmaceuticals was that they expanded their product range to sustain and then capitalize upon the market share, which the product variants would secure for the company. In case of the pharmaceutical industry the rate of growth often demanded by the market to be sustainable for the company, usually would coerce the pharmaceuticals to engage in the low risk activities which was the same as in the case of Rumack. Usually in the case of the pharmaceutical companies producing and marketing a wider range of drugs would reduce the dependence on the so called specialized drugs. The strategy that has been employed in the case of Rumack seems to fit into the module of core model. The company has eventually diversified into a number of drugs rather than being dependa nt on a single most drug thereby taking advantage of the opportunity costs of the product ranges. Product choice of a company depends much upon the internal capabilities of the company which is evident from the fact that the company after closing operations in one of the particular plant transferred the packaging capabilities into the Bakersfield, in order cater to the growing demand of Restaolvic and Hedanol products. In case of this company they have tried to combine the mutually supportive capabilities. They have tried to develop a business model by integrating the drug line and the production capabilities. Furthermore, packaging is arranged as a line hybrid process. †Pharmaceutical industry project, equity, sustainability and industry development Working paper series† , 2002)1 From the volume of the production being made it is implied that the company aims at developing the secondary sales figures, by fiddling with the availability of the products and increasing t he liquidation of the product into the mainstream market. implication in manufacturing process: To study about the implications the foremost activity is to determine whether the product is innovative or functional. We may classify the product to perform a greater degree of the functional component. Hence, it can be understood that the market mediation costs of such pharmaceutical products will be very less because of the fact that we could ascertain the demand level of the commodity. Hence, the average margin of error in forecast when the time of production is committed is usually around 10% and the average stock out rate for such functional products could be around 1 to 2% respectively. The production facility at the Bakersfield was forced to cater to the rising demand level. Hence, a number of the product variants had to be produced. The manufacturing process is developed into a complex process with the production of each commodity and a dedicated process line for packaging of each commodity was developed. Even though the increased activity in the Bakersfield plant did not cause any problems in the manufacturing process, there were problems beginning to arise from the packaging function of the plant. Due to the rise in the demand and the company’s decision to diversify the portfolio the company did used the left over floor space by assembling additionally two more packaging lines in the same unit, but there was an inherent problem. The capacity of the additional two lines was very much underutilized i. e. the additional lines had to wait until the process was completed in the previous lines. Hence, this caused a delay in the production process as a whole. More time was being lost in the transition process than the original production process. Sources of problem for the company: As discussed in earlier section with the increase in the production capability and the under utilization of the packaging lines ,there is a ncrease in the lag time bet ween the two processes, resulting in delay and leading to increase in time for the commodity to be produced. The production facility of the line 1 has been in such a manner that it can cater to one specific product range at a time, with the notion that the transition period is at minimal level, taking up to 4 hours. To avoid this, there was a strategic design taken. Line 2 was dedicated to pack bottles with with three different sizes resulting in the transition period of more than 5 hours. This directly affected line 3 and 4. Here, they had much more differing bottle sizes to pack, resulting in an increased transitional period of up to 8 hours which means that the time delivery of manufacturing in the lines 1 and 2 had been largely negated in the subsequent packaging. Proposed Strategies: †¢Can focus on process improvements to increase the run length. †¢Can focus on increase in capacity to decrease transitional period. †¢Analyse the impact of installing a new packi ng line to relieve the bottle neck. Reference 1. https://www. cfses. com/documents/pharma/01-Business_Strategy. PDF Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Marketing Strategy" essay for you Create order